PowerShell Convert String to GUID
To convert string to guid in PowerShell, it uses the Parse() method of the [System.Guid] class that takes string guid as input parameter and returns …
To convert string to guid in PowerShell, it uses the Parse() method of the [System.Guid] class that takes string guid as input parameter and returns …
Use the ToString() method of [System.BitConverer] class in PowerShell to convert byte array to hex string. This method takes a byte array as an input …
Use the GetString() method of the UTF8 encoding format in PowerShell to convert byte array to string. This method returns a string. [System.Text.Encoding] class provides …
Use the GetBytes() method of the UTF8 encoding format in PowerShell to convert string to byte array. This method converts a string to bytes and …
PowerShell has Contains() method and -contains operator to check if the PowerShell string contains the specified substring within the string. The PowerShell string Contains() method …
Use the Split() and ToCharArray() methods of string objects to convert string to array in PowerShell. The Split() method returns a string array and ToCharArray() …
Use the $var.Length to get the string length of a variable in PowerShell. PowerShell string has System.String Object type. The Length property on the string …
Replace() function in PowerShell replace a character or string with another string and it returns a string. Since it returns the string, you can append …
PowerShell substring extracts a part of the string. The substring returns the part of the string between the start and the specified number of characters. …
Comparing two strings in PowerShell can be easily done using different ways like using the equal() method, -eq operator, or PowerShell -like operator to compare …