Home » Office 365 » Remove-MsolRoleMember – Remove Member from Administrator Role

Remove-MsolRoleMember – Remove Member from Administrator Role

The Remove-MsolRoleMember command in PowerShell removes a member from an administrator role in Microsoft Office 365.

The syntax to remove a member from an administrator role is given below.

      -RoleObjectId <Guid>
      -RoleName <String>
      [-RoleMemberType <RoleMemberType>]
      [-RoleMemberObjectId <Guid>]
      [-RoleMemberEmailAddress <String>]
      [-TenantId <Guid>]

In this article, we will discuss how to use the Remove-MsolRoleMember command in PowerShell to remove a member from an administrator role in Azure Active Directory.

How to Remove a Member from an Administrator Role in Office 365

To remove a member from an Administrator role in Office 365, use the Remove-MsolRoleMember command with the -RoleName and -RoleMemberEmailAddress parameter.

The -RoleName parameter specifies the name of the role from which to remove members. The -RoleMemberEmailAddress parameter specifies the email address of the member to remove.

Remove-MsolRoleMember -RoleName "User Administrator" -RoleMemberType User -RoleMemberEmailAddress "john@shellgeeklab.onmicrosoft.com"  

This command removes the user with the email address “john@shellgeeklab.onmicrosoft.com” from the “User Administrator” role. You can use the Get-MsolRole command to get the list of the values for the role.


I hope the above article on how to use the Remove-MsolRoleMember cmdlet in Powershell to remove a member from an administrator role is helpful to you.

You can find more topics about PowerShell Active Directory commands and PowerShell basics on the ShellGeek home page.

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