Home ยป Office 365 ยป Get-MsolRoleMember – Get Members of a Role

Get-MsolRoleMember – Get Members of a Role

The Get-MsolRoleMember cmdlet in PowerShell gets members of a role in Microsoft Office 365. This command retrieves the role member objects that contain the Display name of the role member, email address, objected, rolemembertype, islicensed, and validation status information.

The syntax to get members of a specified role is given below.

   [-RoleObjectId <Guid>]
   [-MemberObjectTypes <String[]>]
   [-SearchString <String>]
   [-TenantId <Guid>]

In this article, we will discuss how to use the Get-MsolRoleMember to get members of the specified role.

How to Get Members of a Role in Office 365

To get the members of a role in Office 365, use the Get-MsolRoleMember cmdlet in PowerShell.

# Get the Role object
$Role = Get-MsolRole -RoleName "Company Administrator" 

# Get the members of a role
Get-MsolRoleMember -RoleObjectId $Role.ObjectId 

The Get-MsolRole cmdlet in PowerShell uses the -RoleName parameter to specify the role name โ€œCompany Administratorโ€ and retrieves the role and stores it in the $Role variable.

The Get-MsolRoleMember cmdlet in PowerShell uses the -RoleObjectId parameter to specify the role objectId stored in the $Role and retrieves the member of the role.

Get members of a role
Get members of a role


I hope the above article on how to use the Get-MsolRoleMember cmdlet in PowerShell to get the members of a role is helpful to you.

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