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PowerShell Execute Script With NoProfile Parameter

The NoProfile parameter in PowerShell can be used to prevent the execution of the user’s profile when the PowerShell starts. The profile is a script that is executed each time when the PowerShell starts. It is used to set up the environment and load the custom functions and commands.

In this quick article, I will explain how to execute the script with the NoProfile parameter in PowerShell. You can use the NoProfile parameter of PowerShell.exe to start PowerShell without profiles or execute the script. It ensures to run your script safely.

PowerShell -NoProfile

It is recommended and best practice to execute the script with the NoProfile parameter in PowerShell.

Execute Script With NoProfile Parameter

You can use the PowerShell NoProfile parameter to start and execute the script without a profile.

Powershell.exe -NoProfile -File "D:\PowerShell\ConvertString-toDate.ps1"   

In the above PowerShell script, the PowerShell -NoProfile parameter executes the script specified by the File parameter without a profile.

Script file converts string to datetime format and prints the results on the console. Using NoProfile doesn’t load the Windows PowerShell profile and ensures no change in the environment.

You can use the PowerShell execution policy and NoProfile parameter to ensure the script runs safely and avoids any harm to your system.

Cool Tip: How to find the file by name in PowerShell!

Start PowerShell with NoProfile Parameter

It is always recommended to start PowerShell with the NoProfile parameter. When you run a script via a scheduled task or any program, it loads the Windows PowerShell profile and later runs the script.

If you want to start PowerShell with the NoProfile parameter, use the below script.

PowerShell.exe -NoProfile

When you launch PowerShell with the NoProfile parameter, it ensures the run script is in the default PowerShell environment and runs without any Windows PowerShell profile.


I hope the above article to execute the script with the NoProfile parameter using PowerShell is helpful to you.

NoProfile parameter ensures that a running script is safe without loading Window PowerShell profile. It can be helpful if you want to prevent the execution of the profile for security reasons.

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