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PowerShell List AdUsers

To list adusers from the active directory, you can use the PowerShell Get-AdUser cmdlet, net user, gwmi method, and command-line dsquery tool.

Using these commands in PowerShell, you can get a list of adusers, their name, samaccountname, and domain.

To get a user list from the local machine or active directory, PowerShell provides cmdlets like the net user, Get-AdUser, dsquery, etc…

In this article, we will discuss how to list adusers from the active directory using the PowerShell commands Get-AdUser, net user, and gwmi.

PowerShell List AdUsers using the Get-AdUser

In PowerShell, to list adusers from the active directory, use the Get-AdUser cmdlet.

The Get-AdUser gets one or more active directory users and their properties like samaccountname, distinguishedname, etc…

Get-AdUser -Filter * | Select Name

In the above PowerShell script, the Get-AdUser cmdlet uses the Filter * parameter to get the user list.

The output of the above script in PowerShell to list adusers from the active directory is:

PowerShell List Ad Users
PowerShell List Ad Users

PowerShell User List using net user

Using the net user command, you can get the user list in PowerShell.

net user

In the above command line, the net user command gets the user list from the local machine.

The output of the above net user command in cmd or PowerShell to get the user list is:

PowerShell User List on Local Machine
PowerShell User List on Local Machine

Get a List of Users using WMI Method

Using the WMI method, you can retrieve the user list.

 gwmi win32_UserAccount | Select Name, FullName, Caption, Domain

In the above PowerShell script, it uses the WMI method class win32_UserAccount to retrieve the user list and display their name, domain, etc…

The output of the above script to list users in PowerShell is:

PS C:\> gwmi win32_UserAccount | Select Name, FullName, Caption, Domain

Name         FullName      Caption               Domain
----         --------      -------               ------

Guest                      SHELLPRO\Guest        SHELLPRO
krbtgt                     SHELLPRO\krbtgt       SHELLPRO
toms         Tom Smith     SHELLPRO\toms         SHELLPRO
ErickJ       Erick Jones   SHELLPRO\ErickJ       SHELLPRO
garyw        Gary Willy    SHELLPRO\garyw        SHELLPRO
chrisd       Chris Dore    SHELLPRO\chrisd       SHELLPRO
adam         Adam Strauss  SHELLPRO\adam         SHELLPRO
nathan       Nathan Tim    SHELLPRO\nathan       SHELLPRO
Don          Don Astle     SHELLPRO\Don          SHELLPRO

List AdUser using the Dsquery tool

Using the dsquery tool, you can query the active directory and gets the user objects and pipe to the dsget tool to get the user distinguishedname and display name.

dsquery user | dsget user -dn -display

The output of the above query list adusers as given below.

PS C:\> dsquery user | dsget user -dn -display
  dn                                                           display
  CN=Tom Smith,OU=SALES,DC=SHELLPRO,DC=LOCAL                   Tom Smith
  CN=Erick Jones,OU=HR,DC=SHELLPRO,DC=LOCAL                    Erick Jones
  CN=Gary Willy,OU=HR,DC=SHELLPRO,DC=LOCAL                     Gary Willy
  CN=Chris Dore,OU=SALES,DC=SHELLPRO,DC=LOCAL                  Chris Dore


I hope the above article on how to list adusers using PowerShell cmdlets and command-line tools is helpful to you.

You can find more topics about PowerShell Active Directory commands and PowerShell basics on the ShellGeek home page.