Home » Office 365 » Set-MsolCompanySettings – Set Company-Level Settings in Office 365

Set-MsolCompanySettings – Set Company-Level Settings in Office 365

The Set-MsolCompanySettings cmdlet in PowerShell sets the company-level configuration settings in Microsoft Office 365. You can use the Get-MsolCompanyInformation cmdlet to read the current values of configuration settings.

The syntax to set the company-level configuration settings in Azure Active Directory is given below.

   [-SelfServePasswordResetEnabled <Boolean>]
   [-UsersPermissionToCreateGroupsEnabled <Boolean>]
   [-UsersPermissionToCreateLOBAppsEnabled <Boolean>]
   [-UsersPermissionToReadOtherUsersEnabled <Boolean>]
   [-UsersPermissionToUserConsentToAppEnabled <Boolean>]
   [-DefaultUsageLocation <String>]
   [-AllowAdHocSubscriptions <Boolean>]
   [-AllowEmailVerifiedUsers <Boolean>]
   [-TenantId <Guid>]

In this article, we will discuss how to use the Set-MsolCompanySettings cmdlet in PowerShell to set the company-level configuration settings in Office 365.

How to Turn on the Self-Serve Password Reset Feature in Office 365

To turn on the self-serve password reset feature for users in Office 365, use the Set-MsolCompanySettings cmdlet with the -SelfServePasswordResetEnabled parameter.

The -SelfServePasswordResetEnabled parameter indicated whether to allow the use of the self-service password reset feature for all administrators in the company.

Set-MsolCompanySettings -SelfServePasswordResetEnabled $True

This command turns on the self-serve password reset feature for all administrators in the company.


I hope the above article on how to use the Set-MsolCompanySettings cmdlet in PowerShell to update the company-level configuration settings in Azure Active Directory is helpful to you.

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