PowerShell – Get User SID in Active Directory
SID (Security IDentifier) is a unique id number assigned to each user on a windows computer, group, or computer on the domain-controlled network. The Get-LocalUser …
SID (Security IDentifier) is a unique id number assigned to each user on a windows computer, group, or computer on the domain-controlled network. The Get-LocalUser …
The $PSVersionTable automatic variable in PowerShell checks the PowerShell version and gets the PSVersion. $PSVersionTable is an automatic variable in PowerShell is a read-only hash …
Approved Verbs in PowerShell follow a specific structure [Verb]-[Noun] to ensure consistency and clarity in PowerShell command syntax. In PowerShell approved verbs are a verb-noun …
While doing string operations in PowerShell, often we have to print multiline strings for ease to read, read file content and convert multiline string to …
The command to get the file version in PowerShell is the Get-Command cmdlet. This command uses FileVersionInfo.FileVersion property to get the version of the file. …
You can get the last boot time of the computer or remote computers using the PowerShell script. net stats, systeminfo, wmic (windows management instrumentation), and …
The command to get computer multiple properties like manufacturer, BIOS info, etc. is the Get-ComputerInfo cmdlet in PowerShell. Get-ComputerInfo cmdlet in PowerShell retrieves computer hardware …
The `ToBase64String()` method of the class `[System.Convert]` is used to convert binary data into text-based data using Base64 encoding in PowerShell. Base64 encoding represents binary …
To get current username in PowerShell, use whoami, GetCurrent() method of WindowsIdentity .Net class or Get-WMIObject cmdlet in PowerShell. In PowerShell, there are different ways …
Use environment variable %username% to get the currently logged-in user name using cmd in the Windows system. Environment variables store the current user logged-in information. …