Home » Office 365 » Add-MsolAdministrativeUnitMember


The Add-MsolAdministrativeUnitMember cmdlet in PowerShell adds a member to an administrative unit in Microsoft Office 365.

The syntax to add a new member to an administrative unit in the Azure Active Directory is given below.

   -AdministrativeUnitObjectId <Guid>
   [-AdministrativeUnitMemberObjectId <Guid>]
   [-TenantId <Guid>]

In this article, we will discuss how to use the Add-MsolAdministrativeUnitMember cmdlet in PowerShell to add a member to an administrative unit.

How to Add a Member to an Administrative Unit in Office 365

To add a member to an administrative unit in Office 365 with PowerShell, use the Add-MsolAdministrativeUnit cmdlet.

# Get the administrative unit from Azure Active Directory
$AdministrativeUnit = Get-MsolAdministrativeUnit -SearchString "East Coast"  

# Get the MsolUser
$User = Get-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName "gary@shellgeeklab.onmicrosoft.com" 

# Add a member to the administrative unit
Add-MsolAdministrativeUnitMember -AdministrativeUnitObjectId $AdministrativeUnit.ObjectId -AdministrativeUnitMemberObjectId $User.ObjectId

The Get-MsolAdministrativeUnit cmdlet in PowerShell gets an administrative unit that matches the search string “East Coast” and stores the administrative unit in the $AdministrativeUnit variable.

The Get-MsolUser command in PowerShell gets a user using the user principal name “gary@shellgeeklab.onmicrosoft.com” and stores the user in the $User variable.

The Add-MsolAdministrativeUnitMember command adds the user in $User to the administrative Unit in the $AdministrativeUnit. Both variables are identified by ObjectId.


I hope the above article on how to use the Add-MsolAdministrativeUnitMember cmdlet in PowerShell to add a new member to an administrative unit is helpful to you.

You can find more topics about PowerShell Active Directory commands and PowerShell basics on the ShellGeek home page.

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