Home » Office 365 » Get-MsolPartnerInformation


The Get-MsolPartnerInformation command in PowerShell gets company-level information for partners in Microsoft Office 365. This command should only be used for partner tenants.

The syntax to get partner-specific information in Office 365 is given below.

   [-TenantId <Guid>]

In this article, we will discuss how to use the Get-MsolInformation cmdlet in PowerShell to get partner information.

How to Get Partner Information in Office 365

To get partner-specific information in Office 365, use the Get-MsolPartnerInformation cmdlet in PowerShell.


This command retrieves the partner information for the partner tenants in Office 365.

PS C:\> Get-MsolPartnerInformation                                                                                           

PartnerCompanyName       : shellgeek
CompanyType              : CompanyTenant
DapEnabled               :
PartnerSupportTelephones : {}
PartnerSupportEmails     : {}
PartnerSupportUrl        :
PartnerCommerceUrl       :
PartnerHelpUrl           :

What is the Output of Get-MsolPartnerInformation?

The Get-MsolPartnerInformation cmdlet in PowerShell retrieves the following company information.

  • PartnerCompanyName: The name of the company.
  • CompanyType: The types of this company ( can be a partner or regular tenant).
  • DapEnabled: Whether the partner has delegated admin privileges.
  • PartnerSupportTelephones: Support telephone numbers for the partner.
  • PartnerSupportEmails: Support E-Mail address for the partner.
  • PartnerCommerceUrl: URL for the partner’s commerce website.
  • PartnerSupportURL: URL for the partner’s support site.
  • PartnerHelpURL: URL for the partner’s help web site.


I hope the above article on how to get the company-level information for the partners in Office 365 using the Get-MsolPartnerInformation cmdlet is helpful to you.

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