Home » PowerShell » PowerShell Command to Check Windows Updates Installed (Get-WUInstall)

PowerShell Command to Check Windows Updates Installed (Get-WUInstall)

The PowerShell command to check Windows updates installed is Get-WUInstall. The Get-WUInstall cmdlet is available in the PSWindowsUpdate module.

The Get-WUInstall command is used to list all Windows updates that have been installed on the computer, including the KB number, installed date, and other information.


Note: When executing the command Get-WUInstall, if you get an error as “get-wuinstall’ is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet”, make sure to install the PSWindowsUpdate module and import it in the current session.

In this article, we will discuss how to use the PowerShell command Get-WUInstall to check Windows updates installed.

How to List All Windows Updates Installed on the Local Computer

To list all Windows updates installed on the computer, use the Get-WUInstall cmdlet.


This PowerShell command will return a list of all Windows updates that have been installed on the local computer. It displays the KBNumber, Description, and InstalledOn date information.

How to List All Windows Updates Installed on the Remote Computer

You can use the Get-WUInstall command in PowerShell to list all Windows updates installed on the remote computer. It uses the -ComputerName parameter to specify the specific computer name.

Get-WUInstall -ComputerName "INCORP-EU-20"  | Format-Table -Property KBNumber,Description,InstalledOn  

In the above PowerShell script, firstly the Get-WUInstall command uses the -ComputerName parameter to specify the remote computer name and returns a list of all Windows updates installed. Lastly, it uses the Format-Table cmdlet to format the output of the Get-WUInstall command.

The output of the above PowerShell script displays the output in a table with the following columns:

  • KBNumber
  • Description
  • Installed On

Cool Tip: How to check installed software in Windows using PowerShell!


I hope the above article on how to use the PowerShell command Get-WUInstall to check installed Windows updates on the computer is helpful to you.

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