The Export-CSV cmdlet in PowerShell is used to create a CSV file from the object passed to it and export CSV to the specified location with a specified append date in the filename.
In this article, we will discuss in using PowerShell how to create a CSV file and export CSV with the date in the filename.
We will use the Export-CSV cmdlet to export CSV and Get-Date cmdlet to get the current date in a specified format to append to the filename.
Export CSV with Date in File Name
Using the Export-CSV cmdlet to convert objects into CSV and export them to CSV file and Get-Date cmdlet in PowerShell to get the current date to add a date in filename while exporting to csv.
Get-Service | Export-Csv -Path D:\LogTest\FTP-02\ServiceList_-$((Get-Date).ToString('dd-MM-yyyy')).csv -NoTypeInformation
In the above PowerShell script, we have used the Get-Service cmdlet in PowerShell to get the list of services on the computer.
The list of services output passes as input to the Export-CSV cmdlet. Export-CSV uses the Path parameter to specify the file path to export CSV.
Get-Date cmdlet gets the current date in customized format (dd-MM-yyyy) and appends the date to the filename while exporting to CSV.
The Get-Date cmdlet gets the Datetime object, hence before appending the date with the filename, we convert the date to a string using the ToString() function with the format (dd-MM-yyyy).
The output of the above PowerShell script to insert timestamp in the filename is:

Cool Tip: How to get the last modified file in the directory using PowerShell!
I hope the above article on how to create a CSV file from the objects and export it to CSV with appending date in the file name is helpful to you.
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