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Replace Space with Newline in PowerShell

Use the PowerShell String replace() method or replace operator to replace the space in a string with a new line. e.g. $str.replace(" ","`r`n") replace the space with a new line.

The replace() method returns a string where all space is replaced by a new line. In PowerShell, to add a new line, it uses `r`n

In this article, we will discuss how to use PowerShell replace() method or replace operator to replace space in a string.

Use replace() to Replace Space with New Line in PowerShell

PowerShell String built-in replace() method takes two arguments; a string to search and a string to replace with the found text.

 $str = "C# PowerShell NodeJs" 

# Replace all space with a new line
$str.Replace(" ","`r`n")                     

The above PowerShell script uses the replace() method to replace space in a string with new line

PowerShell replace() method takes 2 arguments:

  1. the substring to search for in the given string
  2. the replacement string for the found text

The PowerShell replace() method returns a new string where all the space in a string is replaced by the new line.

The output of the above script to replace all space with a new line is:

PowerShell Replace Space with Newline
PowerShell Replace Space with Newline

Cool Tip: How to replace the first occurrence of a string in PowerShell!

Use replace Operator to Replace Space with Newline in PowerShell

Using the PowerShell replace operator, you can replace all space in a string with a new line.

The replace operator in PowerShell takes two arguments; string to find for in a string and replacement string for the found text.

 $str = "C# PowerShell NodeJs" 
# Replace all space with new line
 $str -replace ' ', "`r`n"       

The above PowerShell script uses the replace operator to replace space in a string with a new line. It uses `r`n to add a new line.

replace operator takes 2 arguments:

  1. the substring to search for in a string
  2. the replacement string

In the first example, replace operator replaces all space with a new line.

The output of the above Powershell script to replace space in a string is:

PS C:\> $str = "C# PowerShell NodeJs"                                                                      

PS C:\> $str -replace ' ', "`r`n"                                                                                       

Cool Tip: How to replace all single quotes in a string using PowerShell!


I hope the above article on how to replace all space with a new line in a string using PowerShell replace() method is helpful to you.

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