Remove-LocalGroupMember in PowerShell is used to remove users from a local group. This command removes users or groups from a local group.
Here is the PowerShell command to remove users from a local group.
Remove-LocalGroupMember -Group "<group name>" -Member "<user/groups>" [-SID] <SecurityIdentifier>
Removing users from a group is very common when users leave an organization or move to another business group.
In this article, we will discuss how to get members of a local group, remove users from a local group, and remove all users from a group on the remote machine with PowerShell.
Remove-LocalGroupMember removes users or groups from the local group.
Remove-LocalGroupMember [-Group] <LocalGroup> [-Name] <String> [-SID] <SecurityIdentifier> [-Member] <LocalPrincipal[]> [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]
Group – Specifies the group from which cmdlet removes the members.
Member – Specifies an array of users or groups. Remove-LocalGroupMember cmdlet takes it as input to remove members from the specified security group.
Name – Specifies the name of the group from which the members will be removed.
SID – Specifies the security identifier of the group from which the members will be removed.
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Remove User from Local Group
To remove users from a local group, check what are the users in the local administrators group.
To get members of the local administrator’s group, use Get-LocalGroupMember
in PowerShell.
Get-LocalGroupMember -Group 'Administrators'
The above Get-LocalGroupMember
uses Group to get users from the Administrators group.
It displays ObjectClass, Name, and PrincipalSource members for each user associated with the group.

Use the Remove-LocalGroupMember
command that removes a user from the local group.
Remove-LocalGroupMember -Group 'Administrators' -Members 'CORP-EU-101\Administrator'
The above PowerShell script Remove-LocalGroupMember
removes users from the group associated with the group name ‘Administrators‘.
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Remove all users from the group
You can remove all users from the local group using the Remove-LocalGroupMember
cmdlet in PowerShell.
Get-LocalGroupMember -Group 'Administrators' | Where {$_.objectclass -like 'User'} | Remove-LocalGroupMember Administrators
The Get-LocalGroupMember command gets all the group members associated with the Administrators group.
It uses the Where
condition to check object class like ‘User’ and pass the output to the Remove-LocalGroupMember command.
Remove-LocalGroupMember in PowerShell removes all users from a local group.
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Remove User from Group on Remote Computer
You can use the Invoke-command
to invoke the script to remove users from a group on a remote computer.
$remote-comp = 'Corp-EU-101' Invoke-Command -ComputerName $remote-comp -ScriptBlock { Get-LocalGroupMember -Group 'Administrators' | Where {$_.objectclass -like 'User'} | Remove-LocalGroupMember Administrators
In the above PowerShell script to remove users from the group on a remote computer, invoke-command invoke script block to run on the computer specified by ComputerName.
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Using Get-LocalGroupMember gets all administrators groups on the remote computer and passes the output to the second command.
Where condition checks for objectclass
like ‘User’ and passes the output to the third command.
cmdlet in PowerShell removes all users from the Administrators group on the remote machine.
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It’s best practice for PowerShell administrators to check regularly for user rights in their network and remove them when they leave an organization or group.
Using Get-LocalGroupMember in PowerShell returns all local group members.
Using Remove-LocalGroupMember in PowerShell removes users or groups from a local group.
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You can find more topics about PowerShell Active Directory commands and PowerShell basics on the ShellGeek home page.