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PowerShell Get Parameters for Cmdlet

Using the Get-Command cmdlet in PowerShell, you can get the list of all available parameters for the PowerShell cmdlet. Get-Command cmdlet gets cmdlet all parameters that include required as well as optional parameters.

You can also use the Get-Help cmdlet in PowerShell to get parameters for cmdlets. Using the Get-Help cmdlet, we can apply a filter to get the required or optional parameters available for the PowerShell cmdlet.

In this article, we will discuss how to use Get-Command and Get-Help cmdlets in PowerShell to get a list of all available parameters for cmdlet.

Get-Command to Get all Parameters for Cmdlet

Use the Get-Command cmdlet to get a list of all available parameters for the PowerShell cmdlet.

(GET-Command Get-ChildItem).Parameters  

In the above PowerShell script, Get-Command uses the exact name of the PowerShell cmdlet Get-ChildItem and uses Parameters to get all parameters for the Get-ChildItem cmdlet.

The output of the above command to get the PowerShell parameter list like Path, LiteralPath, Filter, Recurse, etc…

PowerShell Parameters List for Cmdlet
PowerShell Parameters List for Cmdlet

Using Get-Help to List All Parameters for Cmdlet

You can use the Get-Help cmdlet to get help for PowerShell cmdlets. Using the Get-Help Parameter, you can get the list of all parameters for the cmdlet.

Get-Help Get-ChildItem -Parameter * | Select-Object Name,Required  

In the above PowerShell script, the Get-Help cmdlet uses the exact name of the PowerShell cmdlet Get-ChildItem to get all parameters using the Parameter * and piped it to the Select-Object cmdlet.

Select-Object cmdlet displays Name and Required parameters for Get-ChildItem cmdlet parameters.

The output of the above script to get all parameters including required or optional is as below

PowerShell List all available parameters for cmdlet
PowerShell List all available parameters for the cmdlet


I hope the above article on how to get a list of all available parameters for PowerShell cmdlets using Get-Command and Get-Help cmdlets is helpful to you.

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