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PowerShell Constant and Read-Only Variables

PowerShell has a built-in cmdlet New-Variable to create read-only and constant variables. This command uses the parameter -Option Constant to create a constant variable.

The difference between the read-only and constant variables in Powershell is, read-only variables are those that can be assigned a value only once and their value can’t be modified afterward. Constant variables are similar to read-only variables but they can not be removed or changed, even by using the Remove-Variable cmdlet.

In this article, we will discuss how to create read-only and constant variables in PowerShell.

Create Read-Only Variables in PowerShell

Use the Set-Variable cmdlet in PowerShell with the parameter -Option Readonly to create a read-only variable.

# Create read-only variable in PowerShell using Set-Variable
Set-Variable -Name piValue -Value "3.14" -Option ReadOnly

# Print the variable value

In the above PowerShell script, the Set-Variable cmdlet uses the -Name parameter to specify the variable `piValue` and `-Value` parameter to assign the value to a variable and finally `-Option` parameter to set to ReadOnly.

The output of the above script creates a read-only variable as given below:

PS D:\> Set-Variable -Name piValue -Value "3.14" -Option ReadOnly 
PS D:\> $piValue                                                                                                        

If you try to change or modify the read-only variable value to another value, it will throw an exception.

$piValue = 3.145  

By assigning value to read-only variable throw an exception as given below

PowerShell Create Read-Only Variable
PowerShell Create Read-Only Variable

Create Constant Variables in PowerShell

To create a constant variable, use the Set-Variable cmdlet with `-Option` parameter set to `Constant`.

# Create PowerShell constant variable
Set-Variable -Name dbServerIPAddress -Value "" -Option Constant

# Print the PowerShell constant variable value

In the above PowerShell script, the Set-Variable cmdlet uses the Name parameter to specify the variable `dbServerIPAddress` and `-Value` parameter to assign the constant value to a variable and finally `-Option` parameter to set to Constant.

The output of the above script creates PowerShell constant variable $dbServerIPAddress with a value assigned to it.

PS D:\> Set-Variable -Name dbServerIPAddress -Value "" -Option Constant                                         PS D:\>                                                                                                                 

PS D:\> $dbServerIPAddress                                                                                    

PS D:\>     

If you try to modify the PowerShell constant variable value, it will throw an exception.

$dbServerIPAddress =

Exception as given below:

PS D:\> Set-Variable -Name dbServerIPAddress -Value "" -Option Constant                                         PS D:\>                                                                                                                 
PS D:\> $dbServerIPAddress                                                                                    

PS D:\> $dbServerIPAddress =                                                                                   Cannot overwrite variable dbServerIPAddress because it is read-only or constant.
At line:1 char:1
+ $dbServerIPAddress =
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : WriteError: (dbServerIPAddress:String) [], SessionStateUnauthorizedAccessException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : VariableNotWritable

PS D:\>         

Comparing Read-Only and Constant Variables

In PowerShell, both read-only and constant variables can not have their value modified, the main key difference between them is the removal of variables.

The read-only variables can be removed using the Remove-Variable cmdlet, whereas the constant variables cannot be removed.

# Remove read-only variable
Remove-Variable -Name "piValue" -Force

# Remove PowerShell constant variable
Remove-Variable -Name "dbServerIPAddress" -Force

In the above PowerShell script, the Remove-Variable cmdlet uses the -Name parameter to specify the read-only variable name and -Force parameter to forcefully delete the parameter. It removes the read-only variable.

While trying to remove the PowerShell constant variable, it throws an exception as given below:

PS D:\> Remove-Variable -Name "piValue" -Force
PS D:\> Remove-Variable -Name "dbServerIPAddress" -Force                                                                Remove-Variable : Cannot remove variable dbServerIPAddress because it is constant or read-only. If the variable is
read-only, try the operation again specifying the Force option.
At line:1 char:1
+ Remove-Variable -Name "dbServerIPAddress" -Force
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : WriteError: (dbServerIPAddress:String) [Remove-Variable], SessionStateUnauthorizedAccess
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : VariableNotRemovable,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.RemoveVariableCommand

PS D:\>  

Cool Tip: How to clear variables value in PowerShell!


I hope the above article on how to create PowerShell constants and read-only variables using the Set-Variable cmdlet is helpful to you.

While creating the read-only or constants variables in PowerShell, use the Set-Variable cmdlet with -Option parameter value set to β€œReadOnly” or β€œConstant” respectively.

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